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Rethinking Digital Marketing in a Covid-19 World

Updated: Apr 25, 2020

The recent health crisis due to the Covid-19 virus has caused business around the world to come to a virtual stand still. All around the world, companies are being forced into a trial by fire to learn how to adapt to a changing world. There is much uncertainty right now in the economy but business owners are resilient. Despite the anxiety about the Coronavirus, our economy must continue.

How To Adapt To Doing Business During Covid-19

This is a time where companies must learn more agile methods of doing business at a distance. With social distancing becoming a requirement around the world, there are a few things businesses can do to close the gap during the current crisis.

Here are some recommendations you can use to your advantage to differentiate yourself from competitors and make customers remember your brand long after Covid-19 has left the headlines and it's back to business as usual. We present these sound Marketing & Sales methods that can not only help you seal a few deals, but may help to soften the blow that closed offices around the world are bringing to everyone's bottom line.

1) It's Time To Telecommute & Let The Employees Telecommute

  • Don't let business process, procedures or superlative security concerns keep you from doing business.

  • Ask your IT administrator or telecommunications provider how you can VPN into your companies network and server. Don't be afraid to give clients and coworkers your cellphone number. Some people have an aversion to giving out their cellphone number or working from home. This is the time to get over those feelings of discomfort and learn to adapt.

  • Remember this is a trial by fire for businesses around the world. Don't let uncertainty create an inability to adapt.

  • There are services like Jira which allow teams to work virtually on projects and have excellent visibility and messaging apps like Slack which allow teams to collaborate at a distance. Skype, Text Messaging, and of course email remain reliable means of communicating with teams and clients outside the office.

  • For Salespeople now becomes the time to make the most of video as a sales tool. There are free services like Vidyard that will enable you to sell at a distance.If these technologies are outside your comfort zone, now is the time to learn to embrace them. They may literally save your businesses life right now.

  • Utilize chatbots and virtual assistants to perform customer service tasks while your office is closed. Artificial intelligence and workflow automation can step in to perform many customer service related tasks.

2) Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Business, But Be Sensitive

Many businesses are closed and suffering right now. For Sales & Marketing people in particular this is the time to remind your customers that you exist. If your customer base ever needed your services, the time is now.

Many marketing firms are closed during this health crisis and sales has come to a virtual screeching halt. It's acceptable to remind customers that businesses around the world are learning to adapt to doing business at a distance and that you are ready to help facilitate the change for them.

Get Your Prospects & Customers Back On Track

It's important to let customers know that your business in particular wants to provide a service for them and that it's still business as usual for your company. Health crisis or not, you are working virtually from home and telecommuting until you are back in the office.

Coronavirus May Cause 80% Of New Businesses & 30% Of Troubled Businesses To Fail

It's normal and expected that customers aren't going to want to sign a contract for a high ticket item right now. Here's the plain ugly truth about what's going on and how to put it in perspective. Situations like this are going to sink alot of companies - it's unfortunate but realistically, that's what's going to happen. Not everyone is going to get a bailout.

Related Articles on Digital Marketing & Covid-19:

A few of your competitors may actually wind up going out of business because of the Coronavirus. These businesses inability to stay in front of customers and prospects during this time, unwillingness to adapt to working virtually, and fear of continuing operations in the current business climate is going to paralyze many to the point where they may never recover. That's not going to be you or your business.

You need to let customers know that your company remains active, is sensitive to the ongoing crisis and that you are ready to serve and provide service virtually whenever they return to normal operations.

3) Stay Top of Mind Even When There's No Business To Be Had

It's companies that are agile enough to persevere during this trialing ordeal that will emerge victorious. Now is not the time to put the brakes on marketing. In fact, quite the opposite. It's the time to stay top of mind with consumers and remind them that your company will thrive and provide service no matter what. There are more eyeballs at home right now in front of the TV then in the last 30 years. Advertisers have not missed this fact and ad sales for TV and digital advertising have surged forward despite what Wall Street is doing.

Now is the time to double down on marketing initiatives and remind prospects that you remain committed to providing service through adversity. You may actually see some unexpected sales as a result of competitors not being able to provide service during the current conditions.

Digital Advertising During Coronavirus / Covid-19 Outbreak

Businesses are utilizing the following digital marketing platforms during the Coronavirus / Covid-19 Health Crisis to effective reach consumers with top-of-mind advertising.

  • Facebook / Instagram Advertising Campaigns

  • Social Media Awareness Campaigns

  • Email Blasts / Email Marketing

  • Digital Advertising / Banner Advertising

  • Google Pay-Per-Click

  • Text Message Advertising

Not only that, but they are transitioning their brick & mortar locations to provide services digitally and remotely. Even businesses that are unable to capitalize at any transactional level with continued advertising benefit by staying engaged with potential customers during this critical time.

Top Of Mind Advertising Is Everything Right Now

No bad can come from top of mind advertising like Email Marketing and Display Marketing. Social media advertising can help your company run branding related campaigns and top of mind advertisements. The dividends will pay off when the Covid-19 crisis has abated.

The scale and ramifications that this virus has had on business and the economy is unprecedented and has become a world wide crisis for all to address. How your business responds and adapts right now is critical to your survival. These simple logical common sense approaches will hopefully help you perserve.

"Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." - Lou Holtz

Let how your business overcomes this advertisty be your finest hour.

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