We Specialize In Turning Likes & Followers Into Leads & Sales

Learn To Love Social Media, That's Where Your Customers Are
With the advent of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and countless others, it's no longer a question of whether or not your business belongs on social media - but how much your business is suffering by not being on social media. It's where your customers are waiting to be exposed to your brand, your products and your story.
Many of the companies and brands we work with are unaware of the tremendous impact an effective social media strategy can have in terms of generating more leads & sales.
Types of Campaigns We Specialize In:
Generating Likes, Fans, Followers, Shares, Views
Generating Traffic To Your Website
Generating Phone Calls, Leads, App Downloads
Real World Advertising Case Study on Facebook:
Granite Mountain Pizza spends $100 a week to advertise their specials to a list of existing customers on Facebook, and an additional $100 a week to advertise their lunch & catering specials to businesses in the area. During the last 6 months they averaged $10,000 a month in sales as a direct result of their marketing.
We Specialize In Converting Likes & Followers Into Money In The Cash Register
One of the greatest challenges businesses face today is how to monetize their social media audience into converting into actual sales. Likes and followers are phenomenal and can truly help propel the brand, but if that's not translating into more revenue from sales than you haven't truly figured out how to capitalize on your audience.
Norcal specializes in creating effective social media marketing campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, amongst others. We can help your business devise an effective social media marketing strategy that will help you utilize your social media presence as a sales tool.

Social Media As Part of The Sales Funnel
It's incredible in how just under a decade how social media has gone from a fun way to kill time and post meme's to a universally adapted way businesses connect their brand with potential customers. It's become so interwoven into the marketing & sales funnel that it's become essential that sales staff realize the impact social media can have on their overall closing percentage.
Sales people who effectively utilize Social Media and act as brand ambassadors for their company and products outperform those who opt not to embrace this marketing channel. Norcal can not only devise an effective social media marketing strategy but can teach you how to adapt it as part of the sales cycle to truly maximize the potential rewards of marketing on social media.
Social Media Interactive Projects:
Custom Social Media Apps
Social Media Contests & Games
Social Media Scraping & Harvesting
Social Media Single Login / Commenting
Social Media Workflow Automation
Social Media Training & Consulting:
Train Sales staff to utilize social media as a sales tool.
Train Marketing staff to run social media campaigns.
Provide workflow automation of leads to CRM.
Integrate Social Media touchpoints throughout your marketing to drive engagement to your channels.